Rapid filtration enabling highly efficient processing

FG1 showed higher and more stable flux compared to other filters. This rapid filtration speed enables users to further enhance process efficiency.
Conc. (g/L) Buffer Filtration Pressure
2 50 mM Tris, 20 mM NaCl, pH 7.5 200 kPa (29 psi)
*Result from customer evaluation, unpublished

Reliable solution for consistent virus removal

FG1 showed complete parvovirus clearance even after multiple process pauses, ensuring robust virus removal capability.
Filter_Run No. FG1_1 FG1_2 FG1_3 Filter A_1 Filter A_2
Total throughput (L/m2) 211.3 211.0 2000.3 810.3 785.5
No. of process pause 1 2 3 1 3
Conc. (g/L) Buffer Filtration Pressure
10.7 20 mM sodium acetate, pH 6.8 310 kPa (45 psi)

*Result from customer evaluation, unpublished

Results of customer evaluations confirmed FG1’s Unrivaled Flux

FG1 has been tested with multiple real-world solutions, demonstrating rapid filtration performance across the board, even in comparison to existing high-flux filters on the market. 
*Results of pre-launch customer evaluations from April 2023 - Feburary 2024

Reliable history of Planova brand

FG1 is the latest addition to the Planova family, a true and trusted virus removal solution for biologics since 1989.

Ready to deliver - FG1 specifications

  Effective surface area (m²)
0.3 0.003 0.0003
Catalog numbers FG1-3000 FG1-0030 FG1-0003
Component Hollow fiber membrane Hydrophilic modified polyethersulfone
Housing and headers Polyphenylsulfone Polycarbonate
Supplied as Ready to use (Autoclaved, Filled with purified water)
CIP with NaOH/SIP Compatible

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