Planova Workshop The 20th Planova™ Workshop

The 20th Planova™ Workshop was successfully held in Prague, Czech Republic on November 9 and 10, 2017. The Workshop was attended by more than 200 speakers and participants, where fruitful exchanges of knowledge and case studies on viral safety and virus filtration were made. Presentations by 15 distinguished speakers on Fundamental Knowledge, Process Development, Robust Manufacturing and New Trends were shared. Furthermore, as the year 2017 sees a double anniversary of Planova™ virus removal filters, where Planova™ Workshop was held for the 20th time and it marks the 30th anniversary of the start of the Planova™ business, a Keynote Presentation was presented by the inventor of virus removal filter, Seiichi Manabe.
The biographies of the presenters and the presentation materials shared during the Workshop are now available for download (you will need to login with your user ID and password to download).
The biographies of the presenters and the presentation materials shared during the Workshop are now available for download (you will need to login with your user ID and password to download).